Collaborative Research Presentation

Due Dates

9/10 (prior to class): Written synopsis submitted as a Microsoft Word document to:
Submission details:
-Document name must be "lastname_sectionnumber.doc" (e.g.: brown_14.doc)
-Subject line of email must include your name and section number - 14 or 18)

9/10 (in class): 3-minute Research Presentation

Assignment Description:
To provide us with a starting point for our research into various questions involving Detroit, each member of the class will find a piece of scholarly writing (a journal article or a book chapter) and give a short, informal presentation on that piece of writing. Presentations will be no longer than three minutes. This initial wave of research will give us a launching point for our semester long project of researching and examining arguments made in or about Detroit.

Your source for this presentation must be a scholarly one. That is, it must come from a scholarly journal or book. In class, we will discuss the difference between a scholarly article and other kinds of articles (magazine articles, newspaper articles, etc.), and we will also discuss how to find scholarly sources. For this assignment, you will be using the ProQuest Research library database. See the ProQuest research guide for details about how to use this database.

You will submit a written synopsis of the source you've found to me (via email), and you will present the contents of that document to the class. Your document and your presentation will have to be concise and informative. Here are the things you must cover:

*Name of the author
*Credentials of the author
*Title of the book or journal in which this piece appears
*Title of the article or book chapter
*Brief summary of the argument (about 200 words)
*Explanation of how this piece might fit into an anthology about Detroit.

Grade Criteria
This assignment accounts for 5% of your final grade. When grading this assignment, I will be evaluating the following:

* Did you choose an appropriate piece? Is it a scholarly work?
* Did the presentation provide all of the information listed above?
* Did the presentation fall within the 3-minute time limit?
* Did you follow the electronic submission directions?
* Was your written synopsis submitted on time (prior to the beginning of class)? Reminder: I do not accept late work.