In response to each of our readings, you will compose a brief response paper. These papers are short, and they are meant to help you prepare for class discussions. On most days, we will be covering two readings, and this means you will compose two response papers. Each paper is worth 2 points. You should upload papers to Sakai before you come to class.
Please bring a printed copy of these papers to class. As a way to start discussion each day, I will ask you to share these papers with a partner. This will help us begin thinking about the readings for the day and how others in the class interpreted them.
Each response paper must include the following sections:
Outline of Chapter
Using no more than one page, provide an outline the chapter. You can do this with roman numerals, with bullet points, or in some other format, but your outline should reflect that you understand how the argument is put together and how its different pieces fit together. This outline should be useful to you (providing you with notes for class discussion) while also demonstrating that you've read and understood.
Explanation of how the chapter connects to the concept of comparative textual media (150 words maximum)
Each chapter in this book relates to the idea of comparative textual media in some way. This section should explain that relationship. How does the chapter engage with the ideas, methods, and theories of comparative textual media?
Potential links to your R-CADE project (150 words maximum)
Throughout the semester, one of your tasks is to link our readings to your R-CADE project. In this section, you should be trying to consider how the chapter relates to your project. Are there ideas that you can apply to your group's R-CADE research? What are those ideas, and how might you apply them? Note that some chapters will be more closely related to your project than others. The purpose of this section is to try as hard as possible to seek out links between the chapter and your group's project.
Questions of Clarification (no limit)
Were there ideas, terms, or concepts that you didn't understand? Ask those questions here, and be ready to ask these questions in class. The more questions you list in this section, the better evidence you're providing that you've productively engaged with the reading. Don't be afraid to ask a lot of questions of clarification.
Questions for Discussion (no limit)
While the previous section focuses on things you didn't understand or that you'd like us to clarify, this section is about questions that will help us discuss the reading. How is this reading related to other things we've ready and discussed? What is unique about the chapter's argument or method? How did it help you think about the idea of comparative textual media in a new way? These are just a few examples of how you might approach this section. Again, try to ask as many questions as possible.
When grading response papers, I will be asking the following questions: