During our last day of class, you will deliver a 15-minute presentation about your project proposal. I will time the presentation, and we can add up to two-minutes for Q&A (though, you may also use some of your 15 minute time slot for Q&A as well). The goal of the presentation is to describe your project in as much detail as possible. You should use the project proposal as a guide for the presentation, but you do not have to cover everything in the proposal. In fact, if you've done written an effective proposal, there will be way too much information in it to present in 15 minutes.
Your presentation should reflect careful design and rehearsal. You are designing a 15-minute experience for an audience, and this takes careful planning and consideration. We will address some strategies for building an effective presentation in class.
The presentation is worth 15% of your grade. When responding to your presentation, here are the questions I will be asking: