English 314J: Literature and Computer Programming

Understand and apply literary analysis to a wide range of texts
We'll be studying a number of critical approaches to literature and culture in this class. Throughout the course, you should be thinking about how to apply these methods to all types of texts, literary or otherwise. In addition, you should be thinking about how literary analysis intersects with other disciplines.

Analyze, apply, and formulate theories about the work of narratives in culture
This class will allow you to consider how different narratives shape our experience. As we study different theories, you should be figuring out how to apply them to different texts and how you can combine them to formulate your own ideas about how and why narratives matter.

Develop and refine writing and revision skills
This is a Significant Writing Component (SWC) course, so your writing assignments will be a way to refine your writing processes and skills. As we revise and refine our writing in this class, you should be developing practices that you can carry with you after you leave this course.

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