RHE 309S: Issues of Access in the U.S. (Summer 2005)

This course focuses on the analysis and writing of arguments. This course begins fromt he premise that dissecting arguments and engaging in public debates allows us to read and write more critically and to participate in a democracy. In this particular version of RHE 309S (Critical Reading and Persuasive Writing) the theme is issues of access in the United States. Who has access to citizenship, education, health care, employment, and technology? Who should have access to these resources? Who should not? How can we better understand these issues and form arguments about them? You will be encouraged to form your own arguments about these issues. Disagreement is not only encouraged but entirely necessary. Classroom discussion and paper assignments will be ways for us to understand multiple positions on three topics: Immigration, Affirmative Action, and “The Digital Divide.”

  • Course Web Page
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