Policy Statement

Unique Number: 45190
Instructor: Jim Brown
Meeting Place: FAC 10
Time: T/Th 9:30-11am
Office Hours: M/Th 11:00am-12:30pm at Cafe Medici, or by appointment
Website: http://instructors.cwrl.utexas.edu/jbrown/309s_fall08

The following required texts are available at the University Co-op or at Amazon.com :
Having Your Say-Charney, Neuwirth, Kaufer, Geisler
Writing With Style, 2nd Ed.-Trimble

Additional Requirements
- Access to a computer and printer
- An e-mail account that you check daily

Your main project for this course will be to compile an anthology of readings on a topic of your choosing. Most of our assignments will build toward this final project. Your coursework will include:

Reading Quizzes
Anthology Analysis/Exhibition
Topic proposal
Anthological Map
8 Summary-Analysis papers (1 page each)
Book Cover/Jacket Design
Book Proposal (2 submissions)
Anthology Preface (2 submissions)

Reading Quizzes
To ensure that you're keeping up with and comprehending our reading, there will be unannounced quizzes. If we have a reading assignment, please come to class assuming there will be a quiz.

You are required to attend class daily, arrive on time, do assigned reading and writing, and participate in all in-class work. Five (5) absences will result in failure of the course. Arriving late to class will count as .5 abences. A student is considered late when arriving after the sign-up sheet has gone around the room. Please notify me beforehand of your participation in official athletic events or observance of religious holidays; these are the only excused absences. Save absences for when you are sick or have a personal emergency. If you find that an unavoidable problem prevents you from attending class or from arriving on time, please discuss the problem with me.

The grade breakdown for this class is as follows:

Attendance: 10%
Quizzes: %15
Anthology Analysis/Exhibition: 5%
Topic Proposal: 5%
Anthological Map: 5%
Summary-Analysis Papers: 20%
Book Proposal (2 submissions): 10%
Book Jacket Design: 10%
Anthology Preface (2 submissions): 20%

A note about multiple submissions:
Certain assignments in class will be submitted twice. If you earn an 'A' on the first submission, you do not have to turn in a second submission. Any grade other than an 'A' will require a second submission.

Late Assignments and Drafts
All assignments, including drafts, must be turned in on the due date at the beginning of the class period. You will turn in papers electronically via the Teacher Folder. You are responsible for turning in assignments regardless of whether you attend class on the due date. I do not accept late work.

Format of Final Papers
All papers must be typewritten. Unless you are told otherwise, your papers should be in MLA format (see Having Your Say for details on MLA format).

Technology Policy
We will use technology frequently in this class. Although I am assuming that you have some basic knowledge of computers, such as how to use the keyboard and mouse, and how to use the web and check e-mail, most things will be explained in class. If you don’t understand what we are doing, please ask for help. If you are familiar with the technology we are using, please be patient and lend a helping hand to your classmates.

Course Website and Email
You should check your email daily. Class announcements and assignments may be distributed through email. The course website will also have important information about assignments and policies, please visit this site regularly. The course site should be a helpful tool for you, so feel free to make suggestions about anything you feel should be included.

Computer Use and Availability
Because this is a CWRL class, you have access to an open computer lab in PAR 102.

Scholastic Honesty
Turning in work that is not your own, or any other form of scholastic dishonesty, will result in a major course penalty, possibly failure of the course. A report of the incident will also be made to the Office of the Dean of Students. The consultants at the Undergraduate Writing Center (FAC 211, 471-6222) are trained to help you with the proper use of sources.

We will be covering the use of sources in class. In general, I will ask you to provide me with hard copies of all sources you use. If you have any questions about how you are using sources on a particular assignment, see me before you turn it in.

Students With Disabilities
The University of Texas at Austin provides upon request appropriate academic adjustments for qualified students with disabilities. For more information, contact the Office of the Dean of Students at 471-6259, 471-4641 TDD.