Unit 1: From Form to Meaning
September 5
September 12
- Fleming (cont.), Greenbaum, Crowley, Smit
- Book Review: Keith
- Microtheme Synthesis: Rick
September 19
- Harris, Emig
- Book Review: Sunny, Stephanie
- Microtheme Synthesis: Rebecka
September 26
- Shor, McHale, DeKoven
- Book Review: Ruth
- Microtheme Synthesis: Rachel
Unit 2: Ancient Rhetoric and Civic Education
October 3
- Isocrates and Civic Education: Depew and Poulakos, Ober, T. Poulakos
- Book Review: Lauryn
- Microtheme Synthesis: Sunny
October 10
- Isocrates and Civic Education: J. Poulakos
- Gorgias, Encomium of Helen
- Isocrates, Against the Sophists
- Book Review: Rick
- Microtheme Synthesis: Anna
October 17
- Isocrates and Civic Education: Morgan
- Isocrates, Antidosis
- Plato, The Republic, Book 1 and 6-10
- Book Review: Emma
- Microtheme Synthesis: Jackie
October 24
- Isocrates and Civic Education: Depew
- Aristotle, Rhetoric, Kennedy's Introduction and Book 1
- Book Review: Jackie
- Microtheme Synthesis: Leigh
October 31
- Isocrates and Civic Education: Garver
- Aristotle, Rhetoric, Books 2 and 3
- Book Review: Rebecka
- Microtheme Synthesis: Ruth
Unit 3: Toward a Composition Made Whole
November 7
- Shipka
- Book Review: Anna
- Microtheme Synthesis: Emily
November 14
- Latour
- Remix Workshop
- Book Review: Rachel, Leigh
- Microtheme Synthesis: Lauryn, Stephanie
November 21
- Groups choose CCC article to remix and develop at least two plans for remix project
November 28
- Wysocki
- Book Review: Emily
- Microtheme Synthesis: Keith, Emma
- Remix workshop
December 5
December 12
December 19 (10:00am-12:00pm)