In class: Introductions: How does this class work? What is this class about? What is Rhetoric?
Reading and Annotation: Booth - "How Many 'Rhetorics'?"
In class: Discuss reading and practice Hypothesis annotations, discuss Learning Record
Reading and Annotation: Booth - "Judging Rhetoric"
In class: Discuss reading and annotations, discus Learning Record
Reading and Annotation: Booth - "Media Rhetrickery"
In class: Discuss reading and Hypothesis annotations
Learning Record Part A Due by 5:00pm (interview and reflection)
Reading: 1/3 of Ender's game and annotate passages in Hypothesis
In class: Discuss reading and annotations, combined meeting with Prof. Brown and Prof. Humes
Reading: 2/3 Ender's game
In class: Discuss reading, respond to in-class writing prompt
Reading: Finish Ender's game
In class: Discuss reading, respond to in-class writing prompt
Reading: Response paper workshop
Ender's Game Response paper due by 5:00pm
Reading: 1/2 Little Brother and annotate passage in Hypothesis
In class: Discuss reading and annotations, introduction to Twine
- No Class - Prof. Brown at a Conference
Reading: 3/4 Little Brother
Reading: Finish Little Brother
In class: Discuss reading, Twine workshop
Twine workshop
Twine Workshop and Learning Record Discussion
Twine Game Due by 5:00pm
Trip to the Philadelphia Museum of Art to see "Martine Syms: Neural Swamp / The Future Fields Commission"
Midterm Learning Record Due by 5:00pm
Reading and Annotation: "Digital Propaganda: The Power of Influencers"
In class: Discuss reading and annotations
Reading and Annotation: "Art Museum employees return to work with a union contract. But bad blood still lingers for some."
In class: Guest Speaker - Philly Museum Worker
Film screening
Feels Good Man
Reading and Annotation: "Lexicon of Lies"
In class: Discuss reading
Reading and Annotation: "Exposing Russia’s Effort to Sow Discord Online: The Internet Research Agency and Advertisements"
In class: Discuss reading and evidence linked in the report
Reading and Annotation: "Media Forensics and DeepFakes: An Overview"
In class: Discuss reading and experiment with DALL-E
"Well Played" session of Headliner
In class: Lorenz, "Birds Aren’t Real, or Are They? Inside a Gen Z Conspiracy Theory"
Listen and Watch NYTimes Podcast - The Daily: "A Movement to Fight Misinformation...With Misinformation", Birds Aren't Real YouTube Channel: "THE TRUTH REPORT EP 1: EXPOSING TAYLOR LORENZ"
In class: Discuss and analyze "Birds Aren't Real"
In class: No class meeting, "Birds Aren't Real" response paper due by 5:00pm
Holiday - No class meeting
Reading and Annotation: "A.I. Is Mastering Language. Should We Trust What It Says?"
In class: Discuss reading, experiment with GPT-3
In class: Final Project Workshop
In class: Final Project Workshop
Final Project Presentations
Learning Record Workshop
Final Learning Record Due by 11:00am