
Professor: Jim Brown
Class Time: Tuesday, 6:00 PM - 8:50 PM
Meeting Place: Digital Commons, Room 102

Professor Brown's Office: Digital Commons, Room 104
Office Hours: Tuesday, 5:00-6:00pm, or by appointment
Email: jim[dot]brown[at]rutgers[dot]edu

Course Website:

Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this class, students will be able to:

  • Understand and deploy methods for experimenting with emerging media platforms
  • Research experimental media projects and connect them to appropriate theoretical and historical contexts
  • Develop research and creative projects in various modes, including writing and/or digital media arts
  • Explain and justify their own writing and design processes

Required Books
Readings for this course will be made available to you either online (web pages, videos, etc.) or as PDFs on Canvas. You may also purchase hard copies of our texts. A full list of our texts is available at the course bibliography.

Course Work and Grades
In this class, the following work will be evaluated:

  • Attendance: 15%
  • Reading Log: 20%
  • Project proposal - First submission: 25%
  • Project proposal - Second submission: 25%
  • Final presentation: 15%

Grades will be assigned on the following scale:

A 90-100
B+ 87-89
B 80-86
C+ 77-79
C 70-76
D 60-69
F 59 and below

Names and Pronouns
This course affirms people of all gender expressions and gender identities. I will distribute a form so that you can tell me preferred pronouns and names. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me directly.

Content Warnings
If we will be reading and discussing material that addresses sensitive topics, I will do my best to let you know in advance. If there are certain specific topics you would like me to provide warnings about, please let me know. I will do my best to flag content based on your requests.

Code of Conduct and Academic Integrity
Rutgers University-Camden seeks a community that is free from violence, threats, and intimidation; is respectful of the rights, opportunities, and welfare of students, faculty, staff, and guests of the University; and does not threaten the physical or mental health or safety of members of the University community, including in classroom space, and a community in which students respect academic integrity and the integrity of your own and others’ work.

As a student at the University you are expected adhere to the Student Code of Conduct and Academic Integrity Policy. To review the academic integrity policy, go to To review the code, go to:

Please Note: The conduct code specifically addresses disruptive classroom conduct, which means "engaging in behavior that substantially or repeatedly interrupts either the instructor's ability to teach or student learning. The classroom extends to any setting where a student is engaged in work toward academic credit or satisfaction of program-based requirements or related activities." Please be aware of classroom and out-of-classroom expectations by making yourself familiar with and by following the Student Code of Conduct

The Office of Disability Services
Office of Disability Services (ODS)- Students with Disabilities
If you are in need of academic support for this course, accommodations can be provided once you share your accommodations indicated in a Letter of Accommodation issued by the Office of Disability Services (ODS). If you have already registered with ODS and have your letter of accommodations, please share this with me early in the course. If you have not registered with ODS and you have or think you have a disability (learning, sensory, physical, chronic health, mental health or attentional), please contact ODS by first visiting their website website will further direct you who to contact and how to contact them depending on the free, confidential services you are in need of.

Please Note: Accommodations will be provided only for students with a Letter of Accommodation from ODS. Accommodation letters only provide information about the accommodation, not about the disability or diagnosis.

Computers, Smartphones, etc.
Smartphones should be silenced and put away during class discussion. Feel free to use your computer during class if that is how you take notes.

Shared Files, Course Website, and Email
You should check your email daily. Class announcements about readings and assignments will be distributed through email and on Canvas. The course website will also have important information about assignments and policies. Pay close attention to the course calendar as we move through the semester. I reserve the right to move things around if necessary.