Quiz: 11/27

What is the point of the Geneaology of Morals section in chapter 10?

What is the ascetic ideal and refutation and how does it relate to our mystory and the search for the wide image?

What does he mean when he says, "My remake of Gurdjieff is Nietzschean"?

Why does Ulmer refer to himself as the Alienated Sage and how may that apply to another person's mystory?

What is the purpose of the sports car and why did Ulmer decide to include it? Is it meant to be an allegory for the trip to our own personal mystorys? A catalyst?

Throughout Chapter 10, Ulmer talks about trying to create a parable out of his journey to Mexico to pass on to his son. Is the Emblem of Wide Scope supposed to serve as a sort of parable relating to our past? It seems like the Wide Emblem shouldn't make much sense to anyone else.

I was slightly confused about the section when Ulmer brings about the discussion of the "bourgeois body", and how he brings that back into a discussion of mood and state of mind?

On a side note - What does Ulmer mean when he cites something as (ATH)?

How is the "truthful world" and geometry related?
What does Ulmer mean in his discussion of wisdom on page 286. Specifically he says, "The times are right for remaking 'wisdom' as a mode of knowledge." I
realize he makes this conclusion based on a book by Francisco Varela, but what
is its significance?

In Chapter 10 Ulmer talks about how he came to see himself as merely a character
in his mystory rather than a main character. How could a person loose their
status as a main character in their mystory while maintaining individality?

In Chapter 10, Ulmer uses the term ressentiment. I know it deals with morals and ethics, but I couldn't get a firm grasp on it's meaning. Is this intentional, like wabi-sabi, to be ambiguous in meaning or am I just not catching it? Ulmer says that he "did not recognize (or acknowledge) in myself the attributes of ressentiment." So I don't feel too bad about not knowing it's meaning. Furthermore, what is the significance of Nietzsche's excerpt about the bell? That little paragraph on p. 284 was deep and confusing and I could use some clarification.

When Ulmer spends a paragraph talking about how he saw a guy that looked "cool", what exactly is the point of this? He's describing the Californian look, and that's it .. I see that he remembers it and that in itself is important, but .. he then refers to the sage being "cool" later in the chapter. Why? Or are these two different things?

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