Unit 1: New Horizons for the Literary
September 12
- Hayles, pp1-30
- Leishman, Deviant: The Possession of Christian Shaw
- Jim's Presentations: The Electronic Literary: An Introduction, Intermediation
September 19
- Hayles pp43-70
- Moulthrop, Reagan Library
- Summary/Analysis Paper 1 Due
- Browse Learning Record
- Browse Peg Syverson's Learning Record Page
- Jim's Presentations:Intermediation Recap, The Body and the Machine in Electronic Literature
September 26
- Hayles, pp87-126
- Kate Pullinger and babel, Inanimate Alice, Episode 1: China
- Summary/Analysis Paper 2 Due
- Jim's Presentations: The Body and the Machine - Recap, How Electronic Literature Revalues Computational Practice
Friday, September 30
October 3
- Hayles, pp131-157
- Wardrip-Fruin, Durand, Moss, and Froehlich, Regime Change
- Summary/Analysis Paper 3 Due
- Jim's Presentations: How E-lit Revalues Computational Practice, The Future of Literature
October 10
- Hayles, pp159-170
- Bring draft of Expanded Summary-Analysis Paper to class
- In class: Short Writing Exercise, Paper Workshop
Friday, October 14
- Expanded Summary-Analysis Paper Due by midnight
Unit 2: Twisty Little Passages
October 17
- Montfort, pp1-36
- For a Change (Schmidt)
- In class: Inform7 Workshop
October 24
- Montfort 65-94
- Adventure (Crowther and Woods)
- In class: Inform7 Workshop
Jim's Presentations: Riddles and Interactive Fiction; Adventure and its Ancestors
Saturday, October 29
October 31
- Montfort, pp95-118
- Zork (Anderson, Blank, Daniels, and Lebling)
- In class: Inform7 Workshop
- Interactive Fiction Project 1.0 (completed in class)
November 7
- Montfort, 193-222
- Book and Volume (Montfort)
- In class: Inform7 Workshop
- Inform7 Project 2.0; Paper, first draft (both saved to Dropbox prior to class)
November 14
- Montfort, pp223-233
- Inform7 Workshop
- Inform7 Project 3.0; Paper, second draft (both saved to Dropbox prior to class)
Friday, November 18
- Game+Short Paper Due at noon
- Final Inform7 and Paper Due (both saved to Dropbox prior to class)
Unit 3: How To Do Things With Videogames
November 21
- Bogost, Introduction, “Art,” "Empathy," "Reverance," Conclusion (pp1-29 and 147-154)
- Prezi and Pecha Kucha Workshop
November 28 [class meets in Room 2257, College Library]
- Bogost, read your group's assigned chapter
Group 1: Pranks
Group 2: Kitsch
Group 3: Throwaways
Group 4: Work
Group 5: Drill
- InDesign Tutorial
- Group Project Workshop
December 5
- Group Project Workshop
- Group Presentation, Dry Run
December 12
- Group Presentations
- Final LRO Workshop
- Course Evaluations
Wednesday, December 21