
Week of August 31: Course introduction

Live Meeting (Wednesday 9/2, 9:30am): Syllabus review, discussion of course and assignments

Week of September 7: What is this course about?

Lecture video: Making Spaces, Rewriting Spaces

Reading and Hypothesis Annotation (due 9/8, 5:00pm): Syllabus annotation, continued

Live meeting (9/9, 9:30am): Clearing up syllabus questions, What is this course about?, Introduction to Mastodon

Week of September 14: Codes of Conduct

Lecture video: Codes of Conduct

Reading and Hypothesis Annotation (due 9/15, 5:00pm): Aurora and Gardiner, "How to Respond to Code of Conduct Reports"

Live meeting (9/16, 9:30am): Writing our Code of Conduct

Mastodon: Set up Mastodon Account, post five Mastodon engagements

Week of September 21: Small Networks

Lecture video: Small Networks

Reading and Hypothesis Annotation (due 9/22, 5:00pm): Kazemi, "Run Your Own Social"

Live meeting (9/23, 9:30am): Building your own network, Mastodon

Mastodon: Post five Mastodon engagements

Week of September 28: Rules vs. Values

Lecture video: Rules vs. Values

Live meeting (9/30, 9:30am): Rules, Values, and our Code of Conduct

Reading and Hypothesis Annotation: Trice et. al, "Values versus Rules in Social Media Communities"

Mastodon: Post five Mastodon engagements

Week of October 5: Design Justice and Introducing Twine (continued)

Lecture videos: "Design Justice" and "Introducing Twine"

Reading and Hypothesis Annotation (due 10/6, 5:00pm): Costanza-Chock, "Design Justice"

Live meeting (10/7, 9:30am): Design Justice, Twine

Mastodon: Post five Mastodon engagements

Week of October 12: Filter Bubbles and Introducing Twine (continued)

Lecture videos: "What is a filter bubble?"" and "What can we make with Twine?""

Reading and Hypothesis Annotation (due 10/13, 5:00pm): Pariser, "Filter Bubbles"; Bruns, "It's Not the Technology Stupid"

Live meeting (10/14, 9:30am): Filter Bubbles, Twine

Mastodon: Post five Mastodon engagements, First Mastodon Report due 10/18, 5:00pm

Week of October 19: Twine

Lecture videos: "Using if-then-else statements in Twine"

Reading and Hypothesis Annotation (due 10/20, 5:00pm): Harlowe 3.1.0 Manual

Live meeting (10/21, 9:30am): Pitching your Twine project

Mastodon: Post five Mastodon engagements

Week of October 26: Twine

Lecture video: Answering your Twine Questions

Live meeting (10/28, 9:30am): Twine peer review session

Assignment Deadlines: Post five Mastodon engagements, Twine project Version 1 due October 27, 5:00pm

Week of November 2: Twine

Lecture video: Answering your Twine Questions

Live meeting (11/4, 9:30am): Twine peer review session

Assignment Deadlines: Post five Mastodon engagements, Written Peer Review Due November 6, Twine project Version 2 due November 9, 5:00pm

Week of November 9: Digital Writing in Johnson Park

Lecture video: Reimagining Johnson Park

Reading and Hypothesis Annotation (due 11/10, 5:00pm): Millhiser, "The night they’ll tear old Dixie down"

Live meeting (11/11, 9:30am): Discuss Lee Statue, Johnson Park, and the final project

Assignment Deadlines: Post five Mastodon engagements

Week of November 16: Digital Writing, Public Space, and Protest

Lecture video: Instead of a video from Jim this week, we'll be watching Grayson Earle's "Hacking the Urban Landscape"

Live meeting (11/18, 9:30am): "The Illuminator," discussion of final project

Assignment Deadlines: Post five Mastodon engagements

Week of November 23: Project proposals

Lecture video: "Preparing your project proposal"


Assignment Deadlines: Post five Mastodon engagements, Project proposal due 11/25, 5:00pm

Week of November 30: Preparing our final projects

Lecture video: "Preparing your final project"

Live meeting (12/2, 9:30am): Final project workshop

Assignment Deadlines: Post five Mastodon engagements

Week of December 7: Sharing our final projects

Lecture video: "Preparing your mini-presentation"

Live meeting (12/9, 9:30am): Mini-presentations of final project

Assignment Deadlines: Final Project due 12/8, 5:00pm, Final Mastodon Report due 12/11, 5:00pm

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